Round 2 - The Results
Round 2 witnessed numerous close battles between debut records, but fewer surprises this time around. Here are a few of the highlights:
- Alicia Keys became the first #1 seed to be knocked out of the tournament. After beating Noel Gallagher in Round 1, she was defeated by Editors' impressive debut. Unfortunately for Noel Gallagher, there are no re-matches in this tournament.
- One of the closest matchups of Round 2 was The Killers' "Hot Fuss" going up against Vampire Weekend's self-titled debut. In the end, Vampire Weekend emerged victorious, but both albums likely would have knocked out other members of the remaining Sweet 16.
- Gorillaz destroyed Bloc Party despite Bloc Party's debut being incredibly consistent. Gorillaz goes up against Arcade Fire in the Sweet 16. That will be their true test.
- The Shins' debut defeated Band of Horses, who won the tournament last year for the title of "Best Band of the Last 10 Years."
- Iron & Wine's debut record squeaked past Keane's "Hopes & Fears" by one vote. If you're a Keane fan and you didn't vote in Round 2, this is all your fault.
- Both The Strokes and Interpol continue to dominate every opponent they face. They seem to be on a collision course for the Elite 8 unless The Mars Volta has anything to say about it.
The Sweet 16 will be posted very shortly. Many thanks to everyone who has voted so far!
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